Tuesday 16 December 2008

more bags

On Sunday I had another meeting of Sew n' Sew, the bag making workshop. Again my belief that the universe provides if you know what to ask for was proven right. I advertised on the Transition Cambridge mail out and knew I had a few people coming. The problem was material, I was starting to run out and with Mill Roads push for going plastic bag free there will be lots of opportunities to run more work shops.

So what to do about material? I've asked in a local curtain shop if they had off cuts but apparently not. Then on Saturday a lovely lady called Gerrie called me to say she couldn't make the bagging but that she had lots of material to donate! So I now have a huge bag of all sorts of material, some big pieces for bags and some cut into squares for patch work, which has got me thinking about patch work bags!

I ran up three bags on Sunday all made out of several different colours, but was thoroughly out done by Jo's technicolour bag!

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