It is not all cosmetics and sewing. yesterday was the NHM learning departments Christmas party. renown museum wide for the fancy dress costumes the theme this year was under the sea.
So armed with a second hand parasol for a baby's buggy, the plastic sheeting that the bed came wrapped in and an awful lot of bubble wrap, I set about transforming it all in to a jelly fish costume. After taking the fabric off of the parasol I cut triangles of the plastic slightly bigger than the original, and stuck them on with sellotape. The bubble wrap was cut into to strips, mostly straight but wih some curvey ones for added interest (thanks Mark!) and stuck to the inside with tape. No need for glue or sewing the tape worked really well.
A few finish touches of strips of pink pvc and it was all done in record time! Completely recycled and with a total cost of 60p it was bargain costume
This costume could definitely be hired out to those with no time nor inclination!!!
Well it is looking for a new home if anyone is interested!
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