Sunday, 1 February 2015


Operation 'reduce material stash to something reasonable' has begun.

Phase one: sort out stash and take several large curtains to a charity shop. I was never going to make anything out of them and maybe someone can use them as actual curtains.

Phase two: use lots of small pieces to make a new tea cosy. The old one had got a bit close to the stove and had a huge hole in.

Phase three: make untold meters of bias binding out of the piece of fabric I specifically bought for the purpose back in the summer. I am not sure if this counts as using up my stash or just moving it from one place to another.

I followed a Whipstitches tutorial to make one continuous piece, which is very cunning but would have been a whole lot easier with the right equipment. Like a nice quilters ruler* instead of the spirit level (it was the only thing long enough) and a fade out fabric pen that worked rather than chunky tailors chalk. It is a bit wobbly, but one meter of fabric made so much binding it took about half an hour to iron it all.
 *lucky for me lovely man bought me a quilting ruler for my birthday

warm trousers

Yet again I've used Rae's parsley pants pattern to make trousers for Grace. She requested 'warm fluffy' trousers. So what could be better than fleece?

I could knock these up in an hour if it wasn't for pockets, but I can't make trousers without pockets, where would she put all the stones?

Pining her down for photos is as usual tricky but you get the idea.